For lunch the other day we ate at Domino, a local sandwich bar chain, that uses super fresh ingredients. These hot dogs are not only topped with palta, but other delicious relishes and tomatoes! Yum!
At Domino, the napkins are arranged in tall towers. I would like to watch this being constructed!
i'm calling joe in to see those pics right now. he's going to be so jealous of those dogs. holy cow!
nice looking dogs! i bet all the fresh ingredients help cut through the grease of the hot dog.
I'm in love with those dogs.
Tell me the serve them with Mojitos.
Ooh. Can you mail me one?
A napkin tower? That's pure genius...
No mojitos, but I'm impressed with the cervezas and pisco. Not bad at all.
Do you know what the ingredients are in the "completo" hot dogs? I would love to prepare them here in Canada. They were the best!
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